Manage Undelivered Orders With Ease

Reduce undelivery with our automated NDR management solution

Reduce Processing

Time For Undelivered Orders

NDR Management is defined as a series of steps that you need to take after a failed delivery attempt to make sure that the shipment is delivered successfully. If no steps are taken, there is an overwhelming chance of the shipment getting marked as RTO or Return-to-Origin.

Handle undelivered orders in one place

Assign an action to every order within a few clicks using a multifunctional and properly segregated NDR dashboard.

Immediate action by courier agent

Get an undelivered order directly in your panel minutes after the courier agent records un-delivery. Let go of 24 hours processing time and time-consuming excel sheets.

Reach out to buyers in real time

Reduce NDR processing time by 12 hours with an automated panel. Reach out to buyers in real time with SMS, Email, and IVR calls to directly record their delivery preference.

Reduce RTO with decreased NDR

Use an automated workflow, take action for undelivered orders in real time, and reduce RTO up to 10%!

Traditional Means of Handling Undelivery
  • Courier executive tries to deliver the order to the buyer
  • Buyer is unavailable/ cannot accept the order
  • Courier agent records non-delivery & adds it to list of undelivered orders for the day
  • Courier partner sends a cumulative excel sheet at EOD & you manually contact buyer asking their return preference
  • Courier partner updated the following day
  • Courier agent re-attempt shipment next day
Gracious Way of Handling Undelivery
  • Courier executive tries to deliver the order to the buyer
  • Buyer is unavailable/ cannot accept the order
  • Gracious captures non-delivery information in real time and updates you on the panel
  • Real-time notification to the buyer via SMS and IVR to which buyer responds
  • Courier partner updated instantaneously
  • Courier agent re-attempts shipments same day or the following day

Pay Nothing To Efficiently Manage Returns!

Pay as you go with every order. Use the other amazing functionalities Gracious offers without paying anything extra!

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